City or town with G
- Glasgow
- Geneva
- Granada
- Gettysburg
- Greenwich
- Glendale
- Greenville
- Grand Rapids
- Guadalajara
- Galway
- Gainesville
- Gdansk
- Goa
- Galveston
- Gary
- Advertisement
- Guatemala
- Germantown
- Gloucester
- Greensboro
- Green Bay
- Genoa
- Grenoble
- Guangzhou
- Grimsby
- Greece
- Giza
- Gangtok
- Garland
- Guayaquil
- gold coast
- Gillingham
- Gatlinburg
- Guatemala City
- Groningen
- Gibraltar
- Galicia
- Greensville
- Grantham
- Guildford
- Gaithersburg
- Granville
- Goiania
- Gandhinagar
- Greenfield
- Gilroy
- Glastonbury
- Gothenburg
- Greendale
- Gateshead
- Göteborg
- Grahamstown
- Grafton
- Gwalior
- Gosford
- Guadalupe
- Garden Grove
- Gujarat
- Gaborone
- Garfield
- Garden City
- Advertisement
- Guantanamo
- Gravesend
- Greensburg
- Gaza
- Gordon
- grudziadz
- Greenwood
- Goulburn
- Gent
- Grapevine
- Greymouth
- Guinea
- Guilford
- Galena
- Garrison
- Gisborne
- Gatwick
- Great neck
- Great Falls
- Grandville
- Griffith
- Ghent
- Guerrero
- Glenfield
- Gaston
- Guyana
- Gainsborough
- grand junction
- Great Yarmouth
- Granby
- Gap
- Goffstown
- Gostivar
- Gilbert
- Genua
- Gorzow Wielkopolski
- Grand baie
- Gravenhurst
The words in the list City or town with G come from players of the word game Categories game.