- Shlange
- Ylli i detit
- Njala
- Rrosa
- Jaguar
- Zebra
- Kali
- thiu
- Çakall
- Pula
- xixellonja
- Elefant
- Qeni
- Ariu
- Iriq
- Advertisement
- Tigri
- Ujku
- dhelpra
- Huti
- Gjiraf
- Tiger
- Foka
- Gjarpri
- Iriqi
- Ngjala
- Majmun
- Rosa
- sorra
- Dhia
- Nashorn
- Gomar
- Cjapi
- Çeni
- Ochse
- Gomari
- Lopa
- Vipera
- Thelleza
- Vogel
- Bolla
- Dreri
- Arusha
- Viqi
- Flutur
- Cjap
- Luan
- Dhija
- Balena
- Elefanti
- neperka
- Urith
- Miu
- Orso
- Majmuni
- Luani
- Schlange
- vidra
- Capi
- Shqiponja
- flutra
- Advertisement
- Maus
- Gjinkalla
- Bär
- Gorilla
- qen
- Hase
- Rinoceront
- Oktopod
- Serpente
- Qualle
- Xixellonj
- Xhaguar
- Nilpferd
- orangutan
- Deri
- Delfin
- rinoqeront
- breshka
- derri
- Qukapik
- Qukapiku
- Igel
- Crocodile
- Hipopotam
- hiena
- Rinoqeronti
- Krokodil
- Anakonda
- Xixillonja
- Xixellonje
- buall
- Gamor
- Dachs
- Crocodil
- Uhu
- sorkadhe
- Panda
- Urithi
- marimanga
- Zhapik
The words in the list Kafsha come from players of the word game Categories game.