- âne
- zebre
- Impala
- Narval
- Jaguar
- Yack
- elephant
- wapiti
- Quokka
- Vache
- Koala
- Dauphin
- Faon
- Souris
- Antilope
- Advertisement
- Rat
- Baleine
- Girafe
- Kangourou
- Hippopotame
- Singe
- urial
- Ours
- Chat
- unau
- Tigre
- Gorille
- Babouin
- Renard
- Mammouth
- Ane
- Hérisson
- Panthère
- Dromadaire
- Panda
- Veau
- Lion
- Taupe
- Chien
- Loutre
- Ursidé
- Mouton
- Otarie
- Guépard
- Lapin
- quagga
- Tapir
- Daim
- Hamster
- Yak
- Marmotte
- Loup
- Fennec
- Alpaga
- mamouth
- Jument
- Quentin
- Taureau
- Agneau
- orang outan
- Advertisement
- Rhinocéros
- Raton laveur
- Cochon
- ecureuil
- Sanglier
- Wallaby
- Furet
- vison
- Cheval
- Fouine
- Wombat
- Homme
- Biche
- Utérus
- Hyène
- Léopard
- Phoque
- Porc
- Lama
- elan
- Tatou
- Puma
- Walabi
- Ornithorynque
- orque
- Nasique
- Mangouste
- Tamanoir
- Ure
- Ulule
- Castor
- Ragondin
- Orang-outan
- Suricate
- Gazelle
- Quoka
- Putois
- Brebis
- Poney
- yene
The words in the list Mammifère come from players of the word game Categories game.