types de phobies en C
- Claustrophobie
- clostrophobie
- Coulrophobie
- Claustrophobe
- chien
- cacophobie
- Chat
- Clown
- Cancérophobie
- canard
- Chats
- cryophobie
- couille
- chiens
- clostrophobe
- Advertisement
- Clinophobie
- Cafard
- clowns
- Chronophobie
- Cucurbitophobie
- Cafards
- crocodile
- claustro
- Cynophobie
- cacaphobe
- Chlostrophobe
- cancer
- Carotte
- Chevaux
- carpophobie
- Clownophobie
- cacophobe
- cathophobie
- Cauchemard
- cochon
- Connarophobie
- Crabe
- courir
- cacaophobie
- chauve souris
- Clostro
- Cuniculophobie
- Cacaphobia
- Carnophobie
- Cachexophobie
- Cacaophobe
- Crotte
- Cours
- Chocophobie
- Criophobie
- Castrophobie
- Coprophobie
- crotophobie
- Cherophobie
- Caracophobie
- canards
- Crabes
- cariophobie
- chlostrophobie
- chromatophobie
- Cryptophobie
- Cinéphobie
- calculophobie
- coulrophobe
- Cleptophobie
- crottophobe
- cuisine
- chat noir
- cartophobe
- Canophobie
- coronavirus
- calinophobie
- Créatophobie
The words in the list types de phobies en C come from players of the word game Categories game.