Personnage en C
- Cendrillon
- Calimero
- Casper
- coco
- Charlotte aux fraises
- Charlie
- captain america
- Cedric
- Charlie Chaplin
- Catwoman
- Cartman
- Charlemagne
- Charlie et la chocolaterie
- Chat potté
- Coluche
- Advertisement
- Chopper
- Coraline
- Casimir
- Charlotte au fraise
- Carlos
- Cleopatre
- César
- Clover
- Capitaine crochet
- Christophe Colomb
- Céline Dion
- Caroline
- Camille
- Corneil
- Choji
- corneille
- Caillou
- Candy
- Carapuce
- Clochette
- Conan
- Charlot
- Colombo
- Cristiano Ronaldo
- Clovis
- Carl
- Cruella
- Charlotte
- Casimodo
- Cars
- charlie et la chocolatrie
- Carmen
- Chucky
- Cassidy
- Chihiro
- charlotte aux fraise
- Chaperon rouge
- Clark Kent
- charly
- crocodile
- charlie la chocolaterie
- Caitlyn
- cat woman
- Chat botté
- cyrano
- Advertisement
- Chichi
- Candice
- Chandler
- Cloud
- Chipeur
- Clifford
- charlie chapline
- Chat noir
- Clochard
- Carrie
- Carla bruni
- cassiopea
- Clem
- Cho Chang
- Chloé
- Casse noisette
- Corazon
- Cristiano
- Carlo
- Catherine
- Christian grey
- Circé
- Cell
- Capitaine america
- Captain marvel
- Cyrano de Bergerac
- Charlie Brown
- carlito
- Christian
- Camille la chenille
- Chifuyu
- Connie
- Cooler
- Coco lapin
- Charles Ingalls
- Chaplin
- Christiano Ronaldo
- chat poté
- Crésus
- Cosette
The words in the list Personnage en C come from players of the word game Categories game.