Campeones de League of Legends
- ñoño
- ívern
- warwick
- hecarim
- fiora
- qiyana
- urgot
- Xerath
- irelia
- udyr
- Ornn
- Darius
- Diana
- quinn
- pantheon
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- Ezreal
- bardo
- camille
- Yasuo
- xayah
- olaf
- pyke
- poppy
- elise
- ivern
- heimerdinger
- Yone
- caitlyn
- garen
- illaoi
- Braum
- Orianna
- ekko
- morgana
- Viktor
- nidalee
- Rammus
- zoe
- fizz
- Yorick
- brand
- janna
- galio
- jinx
- vayne
- teemo
- ahri
- zed
- tristana
- lux
- zilean
- gragas
- corki
- katarina
- leona
- gnar
- nami
- annie
- samira
- zyra
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- Lucian
- cassiopeia
- taric
- jax
- Mordekaiser
- Jayce
- Aatrox
- malphite
- riven
- wukong
- varus
- maokai
- jhin
- miss fortune
- nasus
- talon
- Draven
- Jarvan IV
- xin zhao
- lulu
- Lissandra
- kalista
- neeko
- Rengar
- Fiddlesticks
- Malzahar
- syndra
- rumble
- Blitzcrank
- veigar
- rakan
- vladimir
- nautilus
- Evelynn
- zac
- yuumi
- soraka
- sivir
- Ryze
- graves
The words in the list Campeones de League of Legends come from players of the word game Categories game.