Spices/Herbs with M

  • Mace
  • masala
  • mustard powder
  • Minced garlic
  • Mustard seeds
  • moringa
  • maple sugar
  • Mango powder
  • Moroccan spice
  • Monkey
  • Mint leaves
  • Mushrooms
  • Marsala
  • minced onion
  • Madras
  • Menthol
  • Mixed spice
  • Madras curry powder
  • Muscat
  • mice
  • Mary
  • Maize
  • Myrtle
  • Madagascar vanilla
  • mugwort
  • Marajuana
  • maple spice
  • Man
  • Molly
  • meat tenderizer
  • Montreal steak spice
  • Minced onions
  • Mandrake
  • Mirch
  • Money
  • macadamia
  • mix
  • Moroccan seasoning
  • Minze
  • Morrocan spices
  • malt

The words in the list Spices/Herbs with M come from players of the word game Categories game.