Elements of the periodic table with C
- Calcium
- Cobalt
- chlorine
- Chromium
- Caesium
- Carbono
- Chlor
- Curium
- calcio
- Cobre
- carbone
- Clorine
- chloride
- cobalto
- Advertisement
- Cloro
- Copernicium
- calcuim
- Colbalt
- chrome
- Chrom
- cooper
- Cesio
- Cromium
- Chlore
- calium
- ceasium
- Carbonio
- Cessium
- clor
- cadium
- cadmio
- cocaine
- Chronium
- cat
- carbon monoxide
- Cuprum
- Cink
- Coper
- cuivre
- cal
- caca
- cer
- cold
- Cellium
The words in the list Elements of the periodic table with C come from players of the word game Categories game.