Household items with R

  • Rug
  • Rake
  • Radio
  • Rope
  • Rack
  • Rag
  • Refrigerator
  • Remote
  • ring
  • Razor
  • Ruler
  • Rice
  • Rice cooker
  • Rolling pin
  • Rags
  • Radiator
  • Roller
  • Rubber
  • Rocking chair
  • Robe
  • Racket
  • Rock
  • rubbish bin
  • Rubber gloves
  • Raincoat
  • Rubber band
  • Remote control
  • Racks
  • Roof
  • Rod
  • Rumba
  • recliner
  • rum
  • Rat trap
  • Raid
  • Router
  • Room
  • Rose
  • Range
  • Rat poison
  • Round table
  • Ramp
  • rain coat
  • Rubbish
  • Rocks
  • Rail
  • Recycling bin
  • ranch
  • roll of toilet paper
  • reading glasses
  • Roses
  • Rattle
  • Rat
  • ring doorbell
  • roll
  • ranch dressing
  • rice maker
  • rad
  • robot
  • Roasting pan
  • Runner
  • Recycle bin
  • Rollers
  • Robot vacuum
  • Rubber duck
  • Roaster
  • Red pen
  • Raddish
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • romba
  • Reading book
  • record player
  • Razors
  • Ringer
  • Rat killer
  • Rabbit
  • Recorder
  • Rifle
  • Rolodex
  • Rolls
  • Rinse aid
  • Rolex
  • Rock salt
  • Rubber mat
  • rubber glove
  • Rain jacket
  • red wine
  • race car
  • Razor blade
  • Radish
  • rain gutter
  • rent
  • Ring holder
  • Rust remover
  • Runners
  • Ron
  • retard
  • Rolling chair
  • Resting chair
  • ratchet

The words in the list Household items with R come from players of the word game Categories game.