city or country with T
- Thailand
- Turkey
- Toronto
- Tanzania
- Taiwan
- Tokyo
- Tunisia
- Texas
- Tasmania
- Tibet
- Tampa
- Trinidad
- Tajikistan
- Tijuana
- Toledo
- Advertisement
- Tulsa
- Timbuktu
- Togo
- Tehran
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Turin
- Taipei
- Tonga
- Tahiti
- Tuscany
- Transylvania
- Torino
- Tirana
- Trenton
- Tunis
- Tuvalu
- Troy
- Tampa Bay
- Toulouse
- Tamil Nadu
- Torrance
- Tucson
- toruń
- Temecula
- Topeka
- Tegucigalpa
- Tamworth
- Tenerife
- Tucuman
- Tripoli
- Tuscon
- trier
- Tauranga
- Texas City
- Teheran
- Tobago
- Trieste
- Tilton
- Tripura
- Timor
- Talinn
- Tabasco
- Tempe
- Tampico
- tarragona
- Advertisement
- Telangana
- Tahoe
- Tallinn
- Truro
- Tuscaloosa
- turkei
- Taguig
- Tübingen
- Tabriz
- Taupo
- Tata
- Trondheim
- Taylor
- Thane
- Texarkana
- Thames
- Tomsk
- Tours
- Taos
- Turks and Caicos
- Tbilisi
- Taunton
- Trent
- Tortuga
- Titusville
- Turlock
- Trinidad y Tobago
- Telluride
- Taranto
- toranto
- Telford
- Turk
- Tazakistan
- Thebes
- Tim
- Türkiye
- Tula
- Traverse City
- Tocantins
- Titouan
The words in the list city or country with T come from players of the word game Categories game.